

The Sinfonieorchester Basel is committed to inclusive cultural participation for all and strives for continuous development in the areas of diversity and equal opportunities.

The accessibility of the various venues is indicated by appropriate symbols in the printed programme and on the concert details page. The Stadtcasino Basel is wheelchair accessible and has wheelchair accessible toilets and numbered wheelchair spaces. Seating for accompanying persons is available in the immediate vicinity of the wheelchair spaces.

Accompanied listening
Want to go to a concert - but not alone? Would you like someone to accompany you and help you? Call us to reserve your PLUS1 ticket.  

We will arrange for a cultural companion to assist you at the event of your choice. We need one week's notice to arrange this. 

Book your PLUS1 ticket here:
+41 (0)61 272 25 25 (Tue-Fri, 8.30-11.30 am) | ticket@sinfonieorchesterbasel.notexisting@nodomain.comch

For more information on the KulturPLUS1 programme:

Hearing Aids
Wherever possible, all speeches and other spoken elements are electronically amplified. The Stadtcasino Basel is equipped with an induction loop. This enables people with hearing aids to receive the spoken word wirelessly, provided that their own hearing aid is equipped with a suitable receiver.

Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome in our venues. At the Stadtcasino Basel, your assistance dog can wait for you at the cloakroom.

Accessible website
We are constantly working to make our website as accessible as possible and to provide you with useful information.

People with a disability card receive a discount of CHF 5. Accompanying persons of people with disabilities have free admission (reservation via the Orchestra Office).
Contact details: +41 (0)61 272 25 25 (Tue-Fri, 08:30-11:30 am) | ticket@sinfonieorchesterbasel.notexisting@nodomain.comch

Concert introductions
We offer our audiences free concert introductions before all symphony concerts. The introductions begin at 6:30 pm in the Musiksaal.

Accessibility contact
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any feedback or questions you may have: 
+41 (0)61 272 25 25 (Tue-Fri, 08:30-11:30 am) | ticket@sinfonieorchesterbasel.notexisting@nodomain.comch